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Outgoing PhD Students

The Department of Chemistry encourages all its PhD students to broaden their international profile through conference participation, collaborative projects, as well as external research stays. Several funding schemes are available for short term or long term stays abroad.

Your ticket to the world

  1. Discuss with your PhD supervisor how to implement an external research stay to benefit your research topic the best way possible.
  2. Choose a funding scheme which is best suited for your situation. We have summarized some funding options below, but as there is a multutide of funding options available for different target groups, we cannot cover all options and will update the list accordingly.
  3. Contact your host and agree on the modalities of your stay as your host will be your main point of contact.
  4. We are supporting you and your host in all stages of your stay here in Cologne. Contact us directly.

Things to remember

Available Programs

Fulbright Programme

The Fulbright programme is aimed at financing academic stays by US citizens in Germany. It offers a range of different funding opportunities for students and graduates from universities of applied sciences and other higher-education institutions, for teaching assistants, post-doctoral students, lecturers and researchers from US higher-education institutions. Funding modalities and grant amount depend on the individual sponsorship programme.

Funding Organization Fulbright Commission
Target Group Students, Postoctoral Researchers, Faculty Members
Funding Scheme Incoming & Outgoing
Region USA
Funding Duration various options